So we had this chunk of time. After posed portraits, before ceremony. It was a pretty big chunk of time. So we kinda sat around, and drank beer, and talked, and it was great.

For a short bit we were just sitting and not drinking. Then Gina had an idea...

We needed to celebrate! With alcohol!
(Side note, I really hate beer. But I liked this beer, or I was on such a crazy wedding high that everything tasted like sugar cubes and rainbows. But my expression below might not show that.)

Pretty labels! Gina took some elements of our invitation to throw these labels together a few days before the wedding. I wish we had saved a bottle!

One of the beers was a bit fizzy...

It exploded all over G.

But she was able to clean it up.

Cory likes beer...

Bride and groom like beer...

We all like beer...

What did we learn from this post? Weddings are fun, beer is good, homebrewed beer is best!
All photos in this post: Hazelnut Photography