Our food was semi-buffet style (and entirely, 100% vegan!). When we first sat down there were bowls of the MOST DELICIOUS SALAD I HAVE EVER EATEN IN MY LIFE and olives and breads and dips and sangria on all of the tables. Most people then had to get up and serve themselves the rest of their food, which the chefs were cooking in the show kitchen while we ate salad. However, being the bride and groom, our food was brought to us by a very kind waiter who must have thought we were starving. There was a huge mound of food on the plate I was served, much more than I would eat on a typical day, and about 300x more than I could manage to eat on my wedding day! I ate approximately three bites.
About twenty minutes into food time, a couple of little ladies came to sit with me. This may also be why I didn't eat anything after the salad, but it's all good.

Most of the detail shots of our reception area were taken before the ceremony, when the light was still good. Behold:

All photos in this post: Hazelnut Photography